The 4 Most Common Types of Dental Bridges

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the 4 most common types of dental bridges

Today, we will dive into the fascinating world of dental bridges. You might have heard about bridges in geography class, but did you know there are special bridges for your teeth, too? Yes, you read it right.

These bridges are tiny but mighty, and they play a big role in keeping your smile beautiful and your teeth healthy. So, let’s embark on this journey together and explore the four most common types of dental bridges.

Type 1: Traditional Bridges

Imagine that your teeth are like a row of houses on a street. Now, picture one of those houses going missing. That’s where traditional bridges come to the rescue! They are like the builders who create a new house (or tooth) to fill the gap.

Traditional bridges consist of two crowns placed on the teeth on either side of the gap (the neighbouring houses) and a false tooth (the new house) in between. These bridges are strong and reliable, expertly designed and installed by a dentist in Sylvan Lake.

Type 2: Cantilever Bridges

Now, let’s talk about cantilever bridges. These bridges are like the superheroes of the dental world. They are used when there’s only one neighbouring tooth next to the gap. Just like a superhero using one hand to hold something heavy, cantilever bridges use one neighbouring tooth to support the false tooth.

They are great for small gaps but might not be as strong as traditional bridges because they rely on only one side for support.

Type 3: Maryland Bridges

Have you ever heard of a bridge made of wings? No, we’re not talking about birds here. We’re talking about Maryland bridges. These dental bridges near you are quite special because they don’t need crowns to hold them in place.

Instead, they have tiny wings on either side that attach to the back of the neighbouring teeth. It’s like adding wings to your tooth to help it fly back into place. Maryland bridges are less invasive than traditional bridges, making them a popular choice for some people.

Type 4: Implant-Supported Bridges

Now, hold onto your seats because we’re introducing the most advanced type of dental bridge: implant-supported bridges. Imagine your teeth are like a city, and each tooth has its own strong foundation deep underground.

Implant-supported bridges mimic this idea by using dental implants as the foundation for the bridge. Dental implants are like tiny anchors that are placed into your jawbone, providing the ultimate support for the bridge.

These dental bridges in Sylvan Lake are super strong and can last a lifetime with proper care. They are perfect for replacing multiple missing teeth in a row.

Closing Thoughts

So, there you have it. We’ve discovered four common types: traditional, cantilever, Maryland, and implant-supported bridges. Each type has its own unique features and benefits, but they all share one common goal: to restore your smile and keep your teeth healthy.

Whether you have a small gap or multiple missing teeth, there’s a dental bridge out there that’s perfect for you. Hence, maintain your smile, and do not forget to brush and floss your teeth—they are your only set.

Sylvan Lake Dental Centre offers a range of dental bridges tailored to your needs and eligibility. From traditional bridges to implant-supported bridges, our dentist near you is here to restore your smile and ensure your oral health.